Your favourite Pokmon of your least favourite type? | Page 3

I don't exactly have a least favorite type, but one type that took very long to have designs that resonated with me is Fighting. I know that Normal is supposed to be the "plain and boring" type, but imo that description unintentionally fit the Fighting-type a lot more: from day 1 Normal had its share of very unusual designs and creatures such as computer programs, cute little cryptids, vaguely axolotl-like nurses, kangaroosaurus moms, and whatever the heck the Lickitung line's supposed to be. Fighting on the other hand for a very long time had virtually all of its designs being just some flavor of humanoid martial artist, meaning a lot of them were very samey. The first Fighting-type I truly liked and that remains on the tippy top of my favorites to this day was Breloom both because I found it cute and because it was just so strange for its type (though granted, being part Grass probably helped). Next was the Lucario line, which yeah, makes me sound like a huge hypocrite because it is essentially just a "humanoid martial artist" too, but what helped that one is that it's a dog and I am a huge sucker for dogs. But then Gen 5 is when Fighting designs were kicked into high gear: we got punk lizards that cleverly use their shed skin as makeshift clothes in the Scraggy line, elegant (a design descriptor not seen often in the Fighting-type, since most try extremely hard to be as macho as possible) Xiaolin mustelids in the Mienfoo line, and even a group of quadrupeds (a first for this type and something I honestly never thought would ever be done) in the Musketeers. Gen 8 also brought us other very fun concepts for Fighting-types like a shield wolf and a troop of adorable roman warriors.

TL; DR, Fighting started out incredibly restricted in its designs, but once it expanded its horizons into what the concept of the word "Fighting" means, it truly came into its own.
